Real estate offices

This is how you can rent out more efficiently

Here are some good reasons to consider why you should use video in your rental process

This is how you can rent out more efficiently
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2. Quality videos are effective marketing tools.

One virtual tour that shows a rental property at its best, can help you attract more potential tenants and convince them of the idea of renting one of your properties. Since first impressions are so important to letting people choose your rental property over others, a good quality video can make all the difference. While it's possible to hire a video production company or a talented freelancer to give it a more professional touch, you can also make videos yourself. Especially if you have a app like Walkly you have available.

Renting out a home can be up to 95% more efficient

3. Walkthrough videos enhance your image.

An additional advantage of walkthrough videos is that you can show what makes your brand unique. It's an opportunity to show your personality, values, and way of doing things so that potential customers feel that they know who you are as soon as they visit your website.

Creating high-quality videos is a bit like producing and broadcasting infomercials. You're selling people the idea of renting your house, apartment, or duplex, but you're doing it in a way that gives them the information they need to make a decision. A well-produced walkthrough video is consistent, informative, compelling, and can be viewed any hour of the day or night.