June 5, 2024

Frame 24 offers additional video services and saves time with Walkly

Frame 24 offers additional video services and saves time with Walkly
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Frame 24 has been a reference for real estate photography in the province of Antwerp and beyond since 2009. With around 100 real estate offices as clients, we can imagine ourselves as an established value in all real estate segments, says Jan, business manager of Frame 24. Since 2012, we have also been making real estate films for our clients, but this was rather limited to the real high-end customers who have multi-million dollar villas in their portfolio.


Due to the price structure of the real estate films, it was not profitable for brokers with small and medium-sized properties to invest in video until recently. Editing videos is often a tough manual job. And with the rise of vertical video formats and short form video, the deliverables are becoming very extensive. In other words, we couldn't offer a service with the right price/quality ratio.


Fortunately, Walkly was able to fill a big gap in our offer here for us and our customers. Thanks to the simple way of working and the relatively small investment cost in material (regular smartphone versus full-frame camera with gimbal and focus control), all Frame 24 photographers can now also make videos that help our customers give their properties a serious boost on social media. This is something that was previously not possible due to the steep learning curve of video and the great need for experience before achieving an acceptable result.

Our photographers work with the Walkly app, and without any video editing skills, they can make video walkthroughs to post on real estate portals, websites & social media. The photographer walks around the house for a few minutes. The Walkly app then provides a beautiful, automatically edited video that we can then offer to our customer, says Jan van Frame 24.

“Until recently, it was not profitable for brokers with smaller properties to invest in video.”


The implementation of Walkly in the Frame 24 service package provided several benefits:

  • Expansion of services: Thanks to Walkly, Frame 24 was now able to offer video walkthroughs in addition to photos. This made their range of services more complete and attractive to their customers.
  • More profit: By offering videos, Frame 24 was able to charge higher rates. This led to an increase in their overall income. Customers were willing to pay extra for the added value that the videos offered.
  • Innovative look: Using the latest technologies such as Walkly, Frame 24 positioned itself as an innovative and modern photographer. This set them apart from their competitors and strengthened their reputation in the real estate market.
  • Time savings: Walkly's automated editing feature saved Frame 24 hours of editing time. They were now able to take on and complete more projects at the same time, significantly increasing their productivity.
The photographer can walk around the house for a few minutes with the Walkly app


Walkly has enabled Frame 24 to expand their services and take their business to the next level. By making professional video walkthroughs easily and quickly, they were able to offer their customers more value, increase profits, and save time. The app has helped them maintain an innovative image and stand out in a competitive market.

With Walkly, you and your team can easily produce high-quality video walkthroughs, expand your services and increase profits.

“With Walkly, I can now offer my customers high-quality video walkthroughs without wasting time editing. This has not only increased my income, but also made my work more efficient. Walkly has really boosted my business!”. so Jan from Frame 24