Vicus Vastgoed, a dynamic Ghent real estate agency, decided to use the Walkly app to better visualize properties via video walkthroughs. This gives potential buyers and tenants a more realistic and complete picture of a home. Read how Arthur De Bruyckere easily integrated Walkly into his way of working.
Vicus Real Estate noticed that other offices were already using Walkly and did not want to be left behind. The choice for video walkthroughs was a logical step to present homes in a more complete and dynamic way. Photos often only provide a limited view of a building, while a video offers potential buyers and tenants a much better spatial insight.
Walkly's implementation went surprisingly smoothly. Thanks to the user-friendly interface employees were able to quickly incorporate the app into their daily workflow. Customers are responding enthusiastically.
“People like that they can fully see the house, because photos are sometimes not enough to get a good picture.”
Arthur De Bruyckere, Business Manager Vicus Real Estate.
Although there are still no measurable results in terms of faster sales times or an increase in the number of transactions after the first couple of weeks, Vicus Vastgoed continues to believe in the added value of video walkthroughs. The plans are therefore ambitious: the firm wants to further integrate Walkly into their social media channels in order to reach an even larger audience.
With this innovative approach, Vicus Vastgoed proves that it keeps up with the latest trends and continues to invest in technology to offer customers the best possible real estate experience.